DotNet 4.5 Application Development Brings Out-Of-The-Box Features For Developers

The .Net Application Development is one of the most recognized programming languages with worldwide acclaim. Dotnet has contributed significantly to the development of demand and anticipations of dynamic web applications. The .Net 4.5 Application Development offers a unified web development model that includes services important for the web developers to build world-class web applications. ASP.Net, the flexible programming language along with .Net framework programming model enables the web developers to build robust web-based applications, XML web services applications providing security, exception handling and memory management.

In this post, let us explore some of the out-of-the-box features that DotNet 4.5 Application Development offers to the developers.

Pushing Data: Integrating with ASP.NET SignalR Hubs

In modern applications the end user wants to have an up-to-date data. It does not matter whether the applications are web-based application, native desktop installations or mobile apps, everyone wants data. The .net developers have a choice to implement near real time push style communication from the server to the client. They can choose plain HTTP or the super-new Web Sockets features available in .NET 4.5 together with Windows 8 and Windows 2012 Server. But the increasingly popular approach is to use a new framework ASP.NET SignalR that enables developers to realize push style communication in near real-time fashion without having to worry about other details.

MongoDB Basics for .NET

MongoDB is a leading NoSQL database formerly known as  10Gen. It is an open source product whose source code is freely available on GitHub and for commercial use entirely for free. MongoDB was developed as a database that would scale gracefully across several machines over a network and act as a data-store for web applications. Also differing from many of its NoSQL counterparts, MongoDB provides some level of transactional guarantee to the developers through strong consistency rather than the full write-ahead logging of an RDBMS.

Creation of NHibernate Session to access database within ASP.NET

NHibernate is an open source object relational mapper to rapidly retrieve data from the database into standard .Net objects. The developers can create NHibernate sessions which use the database sessions to fast retrieve and store data into the database.

async and await feature of the 4.5 .NET framework

The developers can now leverage a newly introduced feature in .Net 4.5.

async and await are nothing but markers which mark code positions from where control should resume after a task completes.

Zip Compression feature of the 4.5 .NET framework

With this new feature developers can now use Zip facility (Zip Compression) which is baked in the framework itself inside the namespace system.IO.compression. Zip is one of the most accepted archive file format supported in almost all operating systems with some built-in name. In Windows operating system it’s implemented by the name “Compressed folders” whereas in MAC OS it’s implemented by the name “Archive utility”.

Profile Optimization feature of the 4.5 .NET framework

We all know that .Net code is in a half compiled format and during run time the JIT (Just-in-Time) compiler runs and translates this half compiled IL code to native machine code. One of the big problems with JIT is that when a .NET application runs for the first time it runs slow as JIT is busy translating IL code to machine code. In order to overcome this startup time in .Net 4.5 a new feature has been introduced called “Profile Optimization”.

Profile is a simple file which has a list of methods which the application requires during startup and so when the application starts a background JIT runs and starts translating IL code for those methods into machine or native code.

NUnit testing in .NET

NUnit is a free open-source tool for .NET that is developed as a framework which can help automate unit testing. The automated tests are meant to be run every time there’s a code change and are referred to as unit tests.

FxCop for .NET

The developers need to know how to design their classes, how to ready the code for localization or globalization, how to interact with COM and many more things. And that’s where FxCop comes into play. FxCop is a rule based engine which helps the development team to enforce best practices of the .NET platform and development standards.

FxCop also known as a code analysis tool doesn’t really look at the source code but looks at the compiled assemblies and by doing so avoids the common pitfalls many other code analysis tools have.

Garbage Collector feature of the 4.5 framework

Garbage collector is one real heavy task in a .NET application and it becomes heavier when it is an ASP.NET application. Garbage collector really works hard for cleaning up unwanted objects in an application. In .NET 4.0 when the GC runs for cleanup all the application threads are suspended thus making the server or the application less responsive for that moment.

Apart from these, it also provides support for Regex timeout and three more features. So, what’s your thought on DotNet 4.5 Application Development? If you want to leverage from a professional DotNet Application Development Company then get in touch with us today only…!

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