Gain visibility for your iPhone app in the right way!

iPhone applications are plenty. Apple’s app store is flooded with millions of apps. The numbers are increasing by the day. It’s a tough competition out there. How will you ensure that your app can stand the competition and break through? iPhone apps development is not just enough. It must be marketed appropriately to see results. You don’t require a huge budget for marketing here. There are a few things you could do to give your app that extra push in the apps market and increase its visibility.
There are a number of ways in which you can gain visibility for your iPhone app without having a fat budget. Here are some:
A Flawless App
The very first step is to create a unique app that works flawlessly. The best apps are those that can be downloaded easily, and that work well for customers. If the app itself if broken – no amount of marketing will help.

Content Optimization
When you write content for describing your app, ensure that you use the most powerful search terms. Use Google Adwords to find these search terms if you want, but ensure that your iPhone app’s description includes these keywords. Also, any other marketing content like social media posts, Articles blogs that you use must contain these keywords. That’s how users will find your app when they search for it!

Getting noticed on app stores
Users search the app store for iPhone apps. Your app’s ranking on the app store matters a lot. This ranking is affected by unit downloads, key search terms etc. Include your keywords in the app name and description as mentioned earlier. Make sure you select a catchy name for your app and make sure the icon is alluring! Another important task is to get to know what you competitors are doing!

Submit to app review sites’
Submit your app to popular app review sites like AppCraver, 148apps, Jotcall, Pinlogue etc. These sites give a boost to the searchability of the app and increase your presence and visibility too.

Promote from within the app
One of the most important ways to promote iPhone apps is to use other iPhone apps for advertisements. Select other apps that have high levels of engagement and include “click to call” or “click to download” or some such call to action. Many app networks provide the feature for in-app advertising with targeted audiences and great price offerings too.

Tell a friend feature
This is an effective and effortless way of promoting your iPhone app. Leverage from user’s contacts and encourages them to “tell a friend” about you app. Include a button on your app that can make the task easy for them.

Give something free
This is highly effective. You can include a free version and paid version of your app. You can also include a trial period at the end of which the app becomes paid. With these methods, users who hesitate to download apps also get that extra confidence. They know what your app is all about and will download it.

Walk though videos and presentations
Letting users know about the app via learning videos that have walk-through and presentations showing the functionalities of the app is a good way to get them started.

Gain visibility for your app in the right way!

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